Top Five Slip-And-Fall Injuries

Falls are the leading cause of ER visits in the United States. Every year, emergency responders rush over eight million fall victims to hospital emergency rooms. ER treatment is usually just the beginning. As outlined below, fall injuries usually require extensive emergency care, followed by months of physical therapy. These incidents cause emotional injuries as well. For example, many older fall victims are so afraid of a repeat fall that they essentially become prisoners in their own homes.
A Missouri City personal injury attorney obtains the compensation these victims need to pay medical bills and move on with their lives. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. The settlement process begins with building a strong, evidence-based claim and ends when an attorney obtains favorable settlement terms.
Broken Bones
These injuries usually aren’t life threatening. But they are life-altering, in the short term as well as the long term.
Doctors typically use metal rods and other parts to surgically reconstruct shattered bones. Generally, this process requires several surgeries. Injury victims are physically frail, so there’s only so much they can take.
After these victims recover from surgery, the injury recovery process begins. Physical therapists often work with these victims for months, helping them build up strength in broken bones.
Even after all this, some permanent injuries remain, such as lost range of motion in a previously broken shoulder. These lingering injuries also make victims more prone to later injuries, such as another broken shoulder, or a chronic condition, like frozen shoulder.
Severe Abrasions
Unlike broken bones and head injuries, facial and other abrasions usually heal, at least for the most part. Embarrassing and disfiguring scars usually remain. No one should have to go through life with such a physical deformity.
Spine Injuries
Jarring falls almost always knock the spine out of alignment. The results of this injury could vary from a painful pinched nerve to permanent paralysis. These victims usually have few treatment options, other than addictive pain pills or radical and risky surgery.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not a “processing disorder.” Instead, it’s a specific kind of brain injury. A car crash, fall, or other seemingly life-threatening event alters brain chemistry. The resulting imbalance causes symptoms like anger, depression, flashbacks, and hypervigilance.
A combination of medication and therapy often make these symptoms manageable. But they do not “cure” PTSD. The injury itself is permanent and requires lifelong maintenance and monitoring.
Head Injuries
The same force that shatters bones causes the brain to slam against the insides of the skull. We feel this effect at a very mild level when we pace. Imagine the impact a hard fall and landing has on the human brain.
Nothing’s easy in this area. Brain surgery to reduce bleeding and swelling is a very delicate procedure that most doctors aren’t qualified to perform. Then, physical therapists cannot simply strengthen muscles. They must train uninjured areas of the brain to assume locust functions.
These issues never stop. Brain injuries are permanent. When brain cells die, they don’t regenerate.
Count on a Hard-Working Fort Bend County Attorney
Injury victims are entitled to significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney in Missouri City, contact the Henrietta Ezeoke Law Firm. We routinely handle matters in Harris County and nearby jurisdictions.