Top Five Restaurant Injuries

Restaurants depend heavily on foot traffic. The more people in the restaurant, and the more cars in the parking lot, the more money the restaurant makes. All this foot traffic leads to hundreds of thousands of serious injuries every year. These claims are especially common in Southeast Texas, where the closest restaurant is only a few steps away from your home or office door.
These injuries include broken bones, head injuries, internal injuries, and other wounds that are often permanent, at least to an extent. Only a Sugar Land personal injury lawyer obtains the compensation these families need and deserve. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.
Slip-and-falls are the most common hospitality injuries. Most restaurants are very busy and restroom cleaning is low on the to-do list. So, bathroom slip-and-falls are very common. When people fall on hard, unforgiving floors, serious injuries are almost inevitable.
Frequently, a pre-existing medical condition, such as a prior fall, contributes to the risk and/or severity of current injuries. Usually, a Missouri City personal injury attorney can still obtain maximum compensation in these cases. Insurance companies cannot use victims’ vulnerabilities against them when it’s time to cut the check.
Texas restaurants have a duty to provide safe and secure environments. Negligent security breaches this duty of reasonable care. Examples include:
- Burned-out lights,
- Inadequate security level (e.g. not enough bouncers at a redneck bar), and
- Broken cameras.
Such negligent security creates an environment that allows bad people to do bad things, much like stage hands create environments for actors to act. The show cannot go on without stage hands, and restaurant owners are financially responsible for negligent security-related damages.
Food Poisoning
Other than falls, food poisoning is probably the most common restaurant injury. Usually, food poisoning is temporarily incapacitating. But if the victim has a pre-existing condition, food poisoning could be fatal.
A restaurant supply or other such company could be partially responsible for these injuries. Therefore, food poisoning cases are extremely complex. That’s especially true since Texas doesn’t have a sponsorship liability statute.
Parking Lot Collisions
Many people think that parking lot fender-benders don’t cause serious injuries. In fact, the opposite is true. Low-speed wrecks often don’t activate airbags and other safety restraint systems, so these victims are especially vulnerable to head injuries.
Whiplash is a good example. The jostling motion of a fender-bender knocks the nerves in the cervical spine out of alignment. Most X-rays and other tests don’t detect whiplash, since it’s a soft tissue injury. As a result, these victims don’t get the treatment they need when they need it.
Third Party Sexual Harassment
Restaurant owners often try to wash their hands of third party sexual harassment injuries, and even third party sexual assault injuries. But the law holds them responsible, at least in many cases. Restaurant owners are liable for the aforementioned damages if they knew about the brewing situation and had a chance to do something about it.
Count on a Diligent Fort Bend County Attorney
Injury victims are entitled to significant compensation. For a confidential consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney in Missouri City, contact the Henrietta Ezeoke Law Firm. We routinely handle matters throughout the Lone Star State.